smoosh sparks & sour cherries
Monday night, my friend Bryan and I went to the Music Hall of Williamsburg (it was - confession- the first time I have EVER been there, and I can't believe they turned North 6 into something so awesome) to see Tokyo Police Club. While we were "pre-gaming" 1 dollar Yuenglings at a bar by his office, I asked Bryan who the opening band was and he was like "Smoosh" and I was like "OMG SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!"
I was really excited, to say the least, since I've loved this band since uh... they were in middle school? Haha. Monday night I was shocked to see how much rockstar sisters Asya and Chloe have grown up. And apparently now they have a little sister who rocks the bass (and did so). Amazing! Even their website has been revamped and now looks all adult and what not. I guess they aren't the novelty act some people wrote them off to be a few years ago...
They performed a cover of "This Modern Love" by Bloc Party that made me endlessly happy.
Smoosh - This Modern Love (Bloc Party cover, live)
Tokyo Police Club were fun as always, although at a certain point you realize that all of their songs are like a minute long, and they all sort of start to sound the same, but you don't care because you keep chugging the sparks you smuggled into the venue and jumping up and down. Or... something like that.
Tokyo Police Club - Juno
And finally, I missed the return of Gossip Girl to go to this show and drink all the sparks in the world, but I watched it last night and it was pretty awesome to see Chuck Bass on my TV again. Which reminds me that I need to write something about his band and all that (yes, he has one), but I will save that for another time.
Here is the song featured in the OMG (uber sexed up) GG promos, which I LOVE - actually the entire Kills record is pretty damn fantastic.
The Kills - Sour Cherry
posted by n. @ 4/23/2008